Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Beauty, Listening, Creativity

Understand the nature of creativity. You can be stimulated by beauty that you see with your senses, and you should always view the material world with the eyes of a child with complete wonderment at the beauty of nature. Never allow yourself to be jaded by nature, nor be discouraged by the blight placed upon nature that men have created. Instead look for the beauty in everything. However, your true creativity will come not from external stimuli but rather from your own internal connection with your soul. When you tap into the creative sources of your soul you have access to the unlimited beauty of the spiritual world. The soul has no limitations of form or space and it doesn’t need to be restricted by judgments as to what society deems to be good or bad. When you are creative simply to give outlet to the joy of the soul then whatever you do will bring satisfaction not only to you, but joy to others. When you watch any performance you can tell when it is coming from their heart and soul or whether their creativity is strictly on the material plane. The same is true with artwork and all other forms of creative endeavor. You can feel it stirring your own soul when it has been created from their soul. Learn to listen to the yearnings of your soul and give your soul the creative outlets that it craves. Every living being is capable of creating wonderful things to enhance the beauty of the world. Allow your soul the opportunity to express itself fully in every endeavor and you will be amazed at the beauty and joy that you can bring to the world.


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