Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Prosperity, Harmlessness, Love

How do you judge levels of prosperity? Realize that wealth and prosperity are certainly not synonymous. Many people are wealthy but not prosperous. It is also possible to be very prosperous without being wealthy. What is the difference? Wealth is generally measured in terms of money and material possessions. Prosperity must be measured in terms of love. One who has a great deal of love is actually the most prosperous, while one who lacks love in their life cannot be considered prosperous, no matter how huge the bank account. Wealth can be accumulated and held. However, love must be shared and given away in order to grow. The more you give love the more you will have. If you love all living beings you will certainly cause them no harm and will always attempt to assist in any way you can. When you achieve this level of consciousness about respecting all life then you will begin to understand prosperity. If you are still attempting to gain wealth by causing suffering to others then you will never be able to truly enjoy that wealth. When you understand this process then you are able to accept all levels of material wealth without being controlled by it. You will use that wealth in order to share your love with more people. In this way wealth can be a very positive element, but only if it is put to proper use. Use wealth to assist in your own personal transformation as well as assisting the spiritual transformation of others. When you do this then you will certainly be living a life that is a source of true joy for you and for those you touch.


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