Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Love, Tolerance, Reverence, Polarity

Love is always an interplay between two entities. Of course, you can and should love yourself. However, this love is actually recognizing the polarity that exists within yourself. Your spiritual self recognizes and loves your physical aspect ad vice versa. Meanwhile your feminine side recognizes and loves your male side as well. Thus, even within your own self-love there exist the polarities that create the dynamic tension from which love can exist. When you share your love with another individual then this dynamic tension becomes even greater between the polarities that exist between the two individuals. If one of the individuals has not reconciled their own internal duality and come to love and respect themselves, then it will be almost impossible for them to share true love. When both being are complete and loving within themselves then love between the two is a wonderful thing. However, in order to make this relationship work there must be several characteristics present. First, both must recognize and be anxious to tolerate the differences between them due to the polarity of their natures. Instead of hating the differences and using them constantly as a way to hurt and put down the other individual there should be a sense of reverence for the differences. When you have a deep reverence for the person who is the seeming opposite of you then you are understanding that they only seem to be your opposite, but that you are eternally linked as fellow spirit souls. All sense of duality fades away when the understanding of the spirit soul is present, and in this way true love can flourish.


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