Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Faith, Simplicity, Prayer, Polarity

It is easy to become frustrated in a world that seems to be based entirely on polarity. You see signs of this conflict every day, and it seems that the gulf between both sides in almost all arenas of life are growing wider. However, you must realize that the value of the duality inherent in material life is to enable the living being to make choices. These choices are what lead either to spiritual growth or to regression. To fail to take action and make these choices will always lead to stagnation and lack of progress in this lifetime. Instead of making life complicated due to the inherent duality, instead you should always keep life simple. When you focus on simplicity you will be able to see the choices very clearly. Making the best choice for you is easy when you have complete faith in the fact that God is guiding your life. When faced with a choice the best thing to do is simply to pray fervently to God to gain an understanding of what the divine plan is for your life at this particular time. The more you turn to God in prayer the more your faith will develop. Don’t expect the prayers to be answered in the manner that you would prefer with your limited vision. Rather have faith that whatever comes your way is for your ultimate benefit, even though you may not recognize it in the sort term. Maintain your faith in God and the power of prayer and you will begin to embrace the duality of life and know that your path is the best one for your own personal spiritual growth.


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