Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Harmony, Consideration, Self-protection

Almost everyone in the material world is fixated on the idea of self-protection. They are so concerned about protecting the body from physical harm that they become very cautious and try not to expose themselves to anything that might create danger. What they fail to realize is that the most important way to protect your survival is to be willing to adapt and change. Those who try to maintain the status quo will be swept aside as nature progresses, just as species that were unable to adapt to changes have gradually become extinct over time. Realize that change in response to challenging situations is what creates growth and what ultimately protects life. When you choose to separate yourself from the challenges and natural flow of nature you are making your life irrelevant and are stunting your own growth. Instead, the best way to protect yourself from any potential harm is to learn to live in harmony with nature and with all other living beings. When you have consideration and compassion for the lives and needs of other beings then naturally you will seek to have a synergistic relationship with them rather than a competitive one. When you are interested in understanding and cooperating with others instead of dominating and controlling them you will find your life becoming much more harmonious and much more rewarding. Living in this way is the best way to ensure your own self-protection even though you will willingly expose yourself to the challenges and so-called dangers that exist in the world. When you adapt to those dangers by maintaining a harmonious relationship with all of those around you the result will be a life of progress and joy.


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