Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Peace, Truth, Higher Self

This is a day in which love should prevail. Use this thought to increase your connection with the energy of change that is taking place throughout the world. Of course most people think of only the romantic type of love and think of sharing their love only with the one individual who most often seems to reciprocate that love. This is generally love based upon need and it merely an exchange of trying to help yourself feel good by trying to help another feel good. This is not true love, as it is generally still based upon trying to satisfy the material senses. When true love prevails on the earth then there will finally be peace among nations, among individuals, and within the hearts of individuals. This peace can only come when people live with the understanding of the truth about the spiritual nature of life. Only when they understand the higher nature of the spirit soul can they act in a truly loving manner. When everyone is aware of their eternal, spiritual nature and when they interact with others in acknowledgement of the fundamental interconnectedness and equality of each and every soul then there will be peace that is truly based upon actual love. Spend today looking beyond the material manifestations of love and instead seek to connect with others on the purely spiritual platform. Make everyone aware of their higher nature and inspire them to live with that truth as their guide in life. When that happens then peace will truly be possible.


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