Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Vibration, Generosity, Healing

Everyone is searching for a way to heal themselves either for physical maladies or emotional ones. The entire world is in need of healing on many levels as well. One who is thinking that their own body is healthy should be concerned with the overall health of the planet and all of its inhabitants. There is one way to increase your power to heal. You must create more energetic vibration in your life. When you get up and become active, when you express emotion, and when you allow your feelings to generate action the results will be amazing. Most people are unhealthy because they have allowed their world to shrink into the status of an observer rather than being in the role of an active participate. When you focus on increasing your energy level and getting involved in things that create positive energy for you then your maladies will seemingly disappear. Perhaps the best way to energize your life is to focus on being generous with others. When you actively think about ways you can contribute to the lives of others then you automatically stop focusing on yourself and your own problems. Those who are generous and giving are generally energetic and healthy. Those who are concerned only with their own well-being will almost always be plagued with health issues. Selfishness has a way of creating reactions that prevent you from experiencing the happiness you crave. However, generosity will automatically create joy in your life that will help you remain healthy, alert, and positive about life.


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