Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Wisdom, Change, Abundance

You are about to experience tremendous changes in your life. Welcome them anxiously. Never fear change. The key is to approach all changes as a way to increase your degree of wisdom. Learn from each and every experience in life. Wisdom comes from three sources. One is through the teachings of others: a mentor, guru, books, tapes, etc. A wise person is always anxious to learn more through the experiences of others. The second key to wisdom is learning from your own personal experiences. One who never ventures out beyond the confines of a day-to-day life will have few memorable experiences upon which to develop wisdom. You must open yourself to a much wider variety of experiences. Seek out adventures that test your limits and seek out people with whom you can communicate and learn on all levels of consciousness. The third method of developing wisdom is by spending quiet time in meditation and in nature to connect to your true spirit. This is where all that you have accumulated in the first two processes can be assimilated so that it no longer is just knowledge and experience, but it truly becomes your own personal wisdom. Creating a balance in your life among these three elements of wisdom will have a profound impact upon your life. When you are balanced in your approach to acquiring wisdom you are preparing yourself to accept the abundance that the universe has waiting for you. Abundance of anything is a gift that is withheld until the seeker is mature enough in wisdom to use it expertly. Those who truly have spiritual advancement as their goal in life are often mercifully kept away from material abundance in order to prevent them from being distracted from its allure to draw them away from their mission in life. However, once you have attained a degree of wisdom, then abundance is given by Spirit with the knowledge that you are capable of using these gifts in a positive manner that will enhance your spiritual progress while it enhances the growth of others as well. Never overtly seek material abundance, yet never hide form it either. Be prepared to use your abundance wisely and be grateful for being given wonderful resources with which to make greater progress upon your path.


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