Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Harmony, Open-mindedness, Peace, Humor

Everyone says that they are interested in achieving peace, yet the world is so seldom at peace. That is because so few people are actually at peace within themselves. How can there be peace among people and nations if individuals find no peace in their own lives? Peace can only exist when there is harmony within the soul of the individual. This harmony can only exist when the person is in harmony with the universe as a whole and is acting on the basis of the soul and its connection with all other beings. When acting on the basis of the physical body, there can naturally be no harmony. However, when one recognizes their own true identity as a spirit soul and acknowledges their eternal connection with the source of all souls, then that individual can be at peace internally as well as with others. In order to achieve this harmony one must be open-minded. If you assume that you have already learned the complete truth and are unwilling to even consider the knowledge that others may have then you can never be at peace. One who is close-minded will always be unhappy and will make others miserable. The same is true of someone who cannot see any humor in life. One who is able to laugh at the injustices of life and is able to recognize that there is a gentle absurdity to life that can be a wonderful source of delight will be able to be in harmony. You must allow your sense of humor to shine through and realize that in spite of the serious nature of your purpose on this planet, life is essentially a humorous proposition. A wonderful sense of humor is certainly a primary ingredient of someone who is at peace with himself or herself and is able to live in harmony with others.


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