Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Courage, Truth, Compulsions, Unconditional Love

You must understand the truth of your existence, that you are a spirit soul who is eternally connected with the Supreme Creator. This is the essential conclusion of all knowledge, yet so few people in the world act in this knowledge. It takes courage to be different and to step outside the normal range of thinking and actually act upon that truth. When you choose to act in this way the result will be complete and unconditional love for all other living beings, whom you will also recognize as spirt souls. The problem is that most people are completely clouded in their thinking by a variety of compulsions and addictions to the material world. No matter what your addiction may be, it keeps you firmly attached to the material world and prevents you from recognizing your divinity. The problem is not the addiction itself, rather it is the lack of understanding who you truly are that makes you crave some form of pleasure that is squeezed out of the material body. When you recognize your own spiritual identity and connect with the source, then the pleasure gained from the natural position for the soul is so much greater than anything the material world has to offer that it becomes easy to leave behind addictions to the material pleasures. You must have the courage to give up these addictions by living a life based upon the highest truth, that you are an eternally loving spiritual being.


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