Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Freedom, Open-mindedness, Prayer

Everyone wants freedom, yet few know what it truly is. Don’t think that governments or any structured organization (such as organized religions) are set up to provide you with freedom. Any structure is there to perpetrate its own power by controlling you by minimizing your true freedom. Therefore, you must seek internal freedom rather than focus on external freedom. Some of the most liberated individuals have felt their times of greatest freedom while in jail with no physical liberty. There are several aspects to internal freedom. The first is to always remain open-minded. If you think you have all of the answers to life and are not willing to consider other possibilities then you are enslaved by those beliefs, even if they may be generally true. Never think that the human being can have all of the answers about anything. The human ability to perceive knowledge is tremendously limited and therefore any belief, no matter how well developed can never contain more than a tiny percentage of the full truth, especially about anything spiritual.Therefore you must be willing to delve into the darkness of the womb, leaving yourself with no preconceived ideas and truths yet remaining open to any possibilities. This can be accomplished through dreams, through vision quests, through re-birthing, or through meditation. As you become willing to enter this stage, then the key becomes heartfelt prayer. Praying with the attitude of the helplessness of a child who looks to the parent for guidance is the best approach to prayer. Be open to receiving the direction you seek and pray in appreciation for whatever you may receive. With this attitude of surrender in prayer you will be able to truly experience inner freedom.


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