Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Unity, Forgiveness, Lessons, Resolution of Duality

The dualities in the material world seem to be getting much more polarized. If you believe the mass media there is certainly no unity in the world, instead there is nothing but conflict. However, beneath the radar screen, on a much more subtle, spiritual level the entire concept of duality is being resolved. Duality plays an important role in the growth of the human being on the material plane. It forces choices and creates situations that stimulate growth, and is therefore a most important tool. However, the era of duality is about to give way to an era of unity. That is why the transition appears to be so extreme now. Those who are still locked in the material mentality are becoming extreme in their views while those who understand unity and are awaiting the spiritual dimension to become prevalent may become impatient and discouraged with the horrors taking place on the earth. The key is to have complete faith in the era of unity that is coming soon. The best way to assist in its manifestation on the earth is to focus on forgiveness. Never condemn those with limited vision. Instead forgive them and send love their way. Recognize them as fellow spirit souls and develop the vision to see them as part of the unity of consciousness that is coming. Every living being is playing their role in this shift and it is not up to you to judge. Simply forgive and share love with each and every living being. This is the essence of the Christ consciousness that is being brought to the world.


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