Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Forgiveness, Patience, Uncover, Mirrors

The process of enlightenment requires that you are able to uncover and deal with the aspects of your being that you deem to be negative. This perception is what prevents you from advancing. Your soul knows what activities and thoughts are supportive of your advancement and which ones are not. Do not simply sweep these aspects of your being under the rug and attempt to forget them. Dealing with these issues is why you are in your present body. Instead you must deal with them and be ready to move on. Use the clarity of a mirror to deeply examine your complete being and your thoughts. Be prepared to uncover things that you have kept buried for a long time. Do not judge yourself based on these elements. Instead, simply be willing to forgive yourself but vow to move beyond these limiting habits and thought patterns. It requires patience to go through this process, but it is much better than trying to move too quickly beyond it. When you attempt to take the fast track to enlightenment without examining nor forgiving your limitations then your progress will be short-lived. Instead you must take the time to fully examine your life. Forgive yourself and be willing to forgive others for their shortcomings. then patiently resume your journey being always vigilant to avoid the re-emergence of these elements into your life. You will have lapses, but the key is to merely forgive yourself immediately, learn what you can from the incident and continue striving to further purify your life.


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