Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Resurrection, Listening, Passion, Transformation

Resurrection, Listening, Satisfaction & Passion, Transformation
You are on the verge of a transformation in all areas of your life. You must embrace this process, no matter how uncomfortable or difficult it may seem. In order to experience a resurrection, there must first be a death of the materialistic aspects of your life that you continue to cling to. Be willing to give up all remaining material attachments and be wiling to throw yourself completely into the arms of God with total faith that you will be completely taken care of. You must listen to your heart and be willing to express your passion for life. It is the denial of passion that has limited your joy in life. Now is the time to allow yourself to completely pursue your innermost passions with complete confidence. Allow your heart to be free to show you the path upon which you are now meant to travel. Be excited about this move into the realm of the unknown. Be willing to give up all preconceived ideas about what you are supposed to be doing and simply listen to your heart. If you follow the passion of your heart then your transformation will be complete and you will truly be resurrected as a completely pure spiritual being.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Love, Appreciation, Abundance

If you truly love other people you will have the desire to increase their abundance in life even more than you will focus on abundance for yourself. Why do you need so much material abundance in this life? Is it to live like the wealthy people who own all the toys yet are miserable in life? Examine your motivation for desiring material abundance. Is it simply to have a comfortable life for yourself, or are you focused on how much good you can do for others if you are able to experience material abundance yourself? Your motivation for acquiring things will tell a great deal about whether the acquisition of abundance would bring you greater fulfillment or would instead bring you only misery. One way you can begin to tell this is to measure your level of appreciation. Are you absolutely appreciative of each and every blessing that comes your way, or do you tend to take things for granted? Although you have been given a great deal to be thankful for, unless you show your deep appreciation on a regular basis then you will soon feel a slowing down of these gifts. If you truly want to experience abundance you must continually give thanks for what you have, no matter how much or how little it may be. You must also be completely generous with everything you have and be anxious to share it with as many others as possible. You must be a person who shares and whose greatest joy comes from sharing your love with others.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Vibration, Loving Kindness, Change, Gateway

Growth always occurs in stages. Throughout your life certain doors will be open to you. The choices you make as to which doors to pass through and which ones to avoid are what determine the rate of your growth. You are now standing before a major gateway in your life, just as the entire world is facing a huge gateway in its eternal development. It is time to embrace the gateway that will lead to spiritual enlightenment and help the entire world to move into the dimension of loving kindness. In order to do this you must raise your level of vibration and help raise the level of others. As the vibrational energy of the entire planet raises then it will become possible to leave behind the old competitive and destructive ways and enter into a new era of peace and happiness. This era will be marked by the predominance of loving kindness among all souls. Therefore, you can begin living in this dimension now simply by dedicating your life to sharing loving kindness with others.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Blessings, Self-esteem, Prayer, Manifestation

You desire to receive even more blessings in your life than you already have. You also have a desire to share those blessings with others. When your desire to share with others completely overwhelms your personal desires for material comforts then it will be possible to manifest. You must recognize your own potency as a spiritual being. As long as you lack self-esteem and doubt your own inherent worth as an individual then you won’t be able to imagine the blessings that are possible to be showered on you and all other beings. Therefore, the first step is to understand how truly powerful you are when you are focused simply on your eternal spiritual nature. When you connect this true nature with the source of al power through prayer, then your ability to create will become manifest. Understand that God can manifest anything immediately, so your power is directly related to your ability to connect with the Supreme. Never doubt your ability or your worthiness to have this connection. Haven’t you already been incredibly blessed in so many ways. Now just think in terms of the other living entities who would be incredibly transformed if they were able to experience a tiny fraction of the blessings you have already received. Make it your goal to share in a huge way with others and you will see that the power to manifest is unlimited and is at your disposal as long as your heart and your purpose is pure.