Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hope, Open-mindedness, Potential

Recognize that you and every human being is very much like a seed. You have unlimited potential within your being. Although you appear to be tiny and impotent you have the potential to grow into a huge and mighty tree. However, being a seed that is warm and safe and dry is much safer than the seed who chooses to sprout and grow to its full potential. As soon as it breaks out of its seed form it faces all sorts of dangers. It is fear of facing these dangers that prevents you and most others from ever attempting to achieve full potential. The first step is to reflect on your life up to this time. Recognize what you have accomplished and look at the areas in which your achievements have fallen short of what you know you are meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Remain open-minded about what the possibilities are. Do not limit yourself by focusing on the past and what you perceive your potential to be based on what you have been like before. Instead recognize your full potential to achieve anything that you desire and that will be in keeping with the divine plan for your life. Be filled with hope knowing that your potential growth is unlimited and the possibility of enlightenment of the entire world is also possible. When you have this kind of hope for the future then you will be certain to live joyously in the present.


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