Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mercy, Consideration, Clarity, Complex Stability

One of the key signs of spiritual maturity is the quality of mercy. Mercy is showing that you have consideration for the needs, desires, and suffering of others. Showing mercy displays an unselfishness that shows that you don’t need to control others in order to satisfy your own ego. When you are merciful, especially to those living entities that you perceive to be less powerful than you, you are demonstrating that you have a clarity of vision that goes beyond the outward circumstances of the physical body. Showing mercy toward the smallest, most helpless creature is a sign of the realization that every being has a soul and that at the soul level all living entities are equal. True mercy makes no distinction between the covering of souls but expresses its true love for each and every soul.


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