Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Fire, Generosity, Compulsions, Balance

The purpose of life is to create balance in your life and be able to create a world that incorporates both the spiritual world as well as the material world. If you try to live in only one of these you will not be satisfied. You are not ready to live completely in the spiritual world until you have completed your mission in the material world. Of course, you do not want to live only in the material world for you would be forgetting your true spiritual nature. Thus, you must achieve this balance and learn to appreciate the ecstatic tension that uniting these two worlds may create in your life. In order to maintain balance you must recognize the compulsions that keep you attached to the material world. Everyone has them, otherwise you would not have come to this planet. You cannot negate these compulsions with other materially-oriented thoughts or activities. Instead they must be burned up by the fire of spiritual desire. When you truly desire to live more spiritually the end result will be a feeling of generosity and compassion for other living beings. When you are focused on what you can contribute to the lives of others there will be no room in your life for the self-centered desires that lead to material addictions. Be always generous to everyone and you will truly be able to live in joyful balance.


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