Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Protection, Open-mindedness, Healing

Everyone today is so worried about protecting themselves and their family. Security is the top priority in people’s lives. Yet they are only focused on protecting the physical body, that can only live for a tiny span regardless of how well it is taken care of. Instead the concern should be with protecting the soul in its eternal journey toward enlightenment. Realize that the healing that is necessary is not so much of the body, but rather a healing of the individual soul. In order to heal you must be open-minded about the nature of the universe and the purpose of the world in general. Never close your mind to information that is being given to you. Never close your mind behind the teachings of any one particular religion, as even the most advanced knowledge about God and the spirit available on this planet barely scratches the surface of what is available to know. Instead of trying to study, be open to receive direct communication from Spirit. Allow yourself to be guided moment by moment by your inner knowing. Trust your own ability to connect with the knowledge of the universe and act according to what you know to be true. It is this attitude that will make your healing take place very quickly and will ensure that your soul will continue to progress regardless of the condition of the body. Help others understand the urgency of focusing their energy on the needs of the soul rather then the mere protection of the body.


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