Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Miracles, Generosity, Passion

Everyone want to experience miracles in their life. Yet very few acknowledge the miracles that occur almost every day. Think of the many things that happen to you that could be termed miraculous. As Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.” When you take this approach you will begin to see miracles manifest regularly in your life. The best trigger for miracles is a sense of generosity. When you are always looking at ways you can give of yourself to others, then abundance will naturally come your way. If your focus is on how much you can accumulate for yourself, then your own selfishness will automatically close off the miraculous in your life. The way to rejuvenate your life and enable you to recognize the miracles is to live with passion. Examine the many ways you favor security and routine over growth and spontaneity. Trust your own intuition and learn to follow it. The depth of relationships you will experience in following the dictates of your soul rather than your mind will amaze you. These wonderfully satisfying relationships that are filled with joyous passion for life are truly the greatest miracles.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Music, Love, Purification, Communication

In order to experience the highest stages of love you must first become purified. You cannot remain attached to lower forms of sense enjoyment if your ultimate goal is to experience the highest form of true, spiritual love. True love means that your desire is only to please the beloved, not to try to satisfy your own desires. Always examine the results of your actions and thoughts and ask whether they are leading to your ultimate purification or if they are making you more attached to your physical senses. When you recognize that you are an eternal spirit soul, not a physical body, then your desires will move toward finding what makes your soul joyful rather than what makes your body feel pleasure at the moment. One of the best ways to purify your consciousness is through music. Music is one of the fundamental means of communication. Its vibrations can penetrate to the soul and awaken your deepest feelings of love. Immerse yourself in music that nourishes the soul. Use music to purify the atmosphere around you and to help impact the lives of those you have relationships with. In addition to music, use water as a means of purification also. When both water and music are used to purify your soul a powerful synergy is created that will greatly speed up your journey to experiencing and sharing the highest level of love.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Partnership, Sympathetic Joy, Change, Transparency

Partnerships can either be the quickest and most profound formula for personal growth or they can be the cause of you being stuck in a rut for most of your life. The key is how open the relationship is and how supportive it is of your need to change. If your relationships force you to continue to act in only one role and never allow for risks or any experimentation with other aspects of your personality then it is a restrictive relationship. These must be identified and should either be modified or should be eliminated from your active life. Instead seek out relationships that allow you to adopt whatever role you feel is appropriate. Try new things. Be willing to change many aspects of your life. Be willing to pursue new relationships that have the potential to help you grow. The key to all successful relationships is a sense of unselfishness. If you can truly feel sympathetic joy for the other partner’s success and not feel jealousy when something good happens to them, then it is a positive relationship. Take this approach with all of your relationships and seek to deepen only those in which the other person is also excited about your growth and development. These types of relationships are the greatest gift you can experience in this lifetime.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Inner Silence, Balance, Stability

Life is all about balance. If you have no balance then there is no stability in your life. The key is to seek always a fine balance between the passion of activity that is creative and transformative with the inner silence that is contemplative and reflective. Very few people actually achieve this dynamic balance. Those who act with passion tend to be almost completely in the physical mode and have limited self-discipline. Those who develop their inner self through meditation and other practices may become so inert that they fail to engage in activities to benefit others and motivate themselves. The key is to balance those two aspects of your life. You must have mercy on yourself and others when you get out of balance. Never become frustrated, but realize that it is a difficult balance. However, it is not impossible. Simply create time periods of each day where you engage in your inner contemplation and then go out and act with passion. This sort of grounding in meditation is what is required to ensure that our actions are based upon the true desire to serve your spiritual mission. This will give you the passion to act successfully in all aspects of your life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Partnership, Letting Go, Reverence, Humor

A successful partnership is one that has a very nice balance between reverence and humor. You must have reverence for each other by seeing the individual as a spark of the divine. When you lose this sense of reverence for each other and see the other as merely the physical form then all sorts of judgments begin that are the downfall of any relationship. If you both share a reverence for life and for the ultimate source of life, then this is the most sound foundation for any partnership. However, there must also be a balance of the serious nature of any relationship, and that is the role of humor. Anyone who truly understands the nature of spirit also sees very clearly the humor in virtually every aspect of this human life. When you are able to see the absurdity of your thoughts and actions and are able to make light of them you are opening yourself up to continued growth. Those who are afraid to let their inner child shine forth and who take themselves too seriously are never able to open up to the risks that would provide for further growth. Thus the ultra-serious person will seldom grow, no matter how earnestly they attempt to educate themselves, for their fear of making a fool of themselves will always hold them back from stretching beyond their comfort zone. Instead, be lighthearted and childlike in your perspective of the world. With this attitude all of your relationships will be sources of continual delight and wonder.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Courage, Service, Love, Trust

You will never have the courage required to act in a way that makes a difference in the world if your purpose is a selfish one. Your selfish desires for personal accumulation and comfort will always be thwarted in order to protect you from falling into the complacency of material luxury. Instead, always realize that true happiness only comes from serving others out of love. When you truly have the desire to benefit the lives of others and when your happiness is derived from seeing the growth of others, then you will have the courage to attempt anything, even if it appears impossible. Simply trust the guidance that comes from your own inner knowing. Trust your connection to the cosmic voice and live according to its dictates. As long as your purpose is genuinely based on loving service then there is never any doubt of the ultimate success of your actions. Act with courage in all situations and you will experience a joy that can only be felt by loving service to others.