Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Guardian Angel, Focus, Spiritual Relationships

Open our heart and your mind to the eternal relationships that are always available to accompany on your spiritual path. Do not be misled by the everyday relationships that are part of your normal existence. Instead, place your focus more and more on your true path in life. You understand the importance of your spiritual destiny. Realize that you are never alone in pursuing this destiny. You have guardians who are always protecting and guiding you. Some may manifest in the material world as special relationships. Always be on the lookout for these special people who appear in your life at crucial times to encourage and facilitate your growth. They are part of your eternal team who share a similar mission with you. Others will never manifest physically in your world but are every bit as real in the more subtle realms. In order to access these relationships it is essential that you spend less time becoming entangled in the material pursuits of the world and instead focus your energy on your spiritual mission. As your focus becomes more and more narrowed and eliminates all time-wasting extraneous activities then you will be able to communicate clearly with those who are here to share with you the glorious mission that you are here to accomplish.

Sexuality, Respect, Self-Acceptance, Stability

In order to have any sort of stability in your life you must first accept yourself as a positive individual who has innate self-worth. The key is to recognize yourself as an eternal spirit soul who is an eternal part of the supreme whole. If you see yourself only as a temporary physical body, then your self-worth will always have so many conditions that it is almost impossible to accept yourself. Instead you will question everything about yourself. The biggest form of this self-doubt shows up in the area of sexuality. When you relate only to the sexual orientation of your body and the body’s ability to perform in this way, then you will always be subject to frustrations, especially as the body ages. Instead, see sex as an essential element of being in a human body. See it as a means of growth and creativity, as it can lead to the most positive and creative act a human being can perform. It can also assist in your ability to connect with your own spiritual energy. However, you should avoid making distinctions about people based purely on their sexual attractiveness or any other aspect of their physical being. Instead, always recognize that the soul is the eternal identity, whereas the body is merely a temporary covering. When you have this vision you can respect all living entities equally and accept them as part of the family of souls to which we all belong.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hope, Integrity, Consideration

You must continue to live in hope that the world will change. Hope is the only thing that keeps people alive and moving forward in this challenging world. Without hope here would only be frustration with life. Unfortunately, most people place their hope in winning the lottery or gaining material wealth. Instead, true hope comes from understanding that a more spiritually oriented world is just around the corner. There are several ways to encourage that to happen in your life. One is to always act with integrity, by aligning your desires and actions in line with the divine will. The second is to always act with the highest consideration toward the welfare of others. When you always consider the needs of others and do what you can to fulfill those needs, then your life will be a highly rewarding one. When you attempt to satisfy only your own desires then frustration is always the result and you will gradually lose hope. Focus always on the true needs of others and you will not only experience a life of love and joy, you will give true hope to a great number of fellow living beings.