You are searching for a way to create unity in the world. Realize that it will not happen automatically, even though the planetary cycle is moving in that direction. You must take personal responsibility to be the one who causes the transformation you wish to see in the world. If you are not willing to see yourself as being a transformer then who will? Realize the tremendous energy that you posses and never hide from the power you have to impact the lives of others. The key is to first work on achieving unity in your own life. Make sure your actions and your goals are leading you toward the fulfillment of your own spiritual path. That path must be focused on some manner of service to others. Although you cannot truly serve others until you have achieved a degree of unity in your own life, the mere act of service is what spurs your own growth. The greater your desire to share your love with others the more energy you will be given to achieve this goal. Remain focused on your path of service and accept your power to truly be responsible for transforming the world.
You must constantly be seeking the truth. Realize that there is no absolute truth written or taught anywhere. You will not find complete truth in any book, in any spiritual system, or in within science. You must constantly seek for truth in your own heart. When you trust your own soul and mind to be able to recognize truth when you see or hear it then you will be truly opening up to the eternal truths of the cosmos. As long as you continue to look outside yourself for truth you will continue to be frustrated. There are aspects of truth in many teachings. The challenge is for you to synthesize them and use your eternal knowing to create the path that is right for you. The key to doing this is to be centered in the current moment. Be willing to think, meditate and ponder the truly important questions of life. When you can remain centered in this way then you will find that all healing that you need will automatically take place and you will begin to experience your true spiritual power.
You must focus your energy on completion. Too often you are anxious to take on a next step before you have completed the previous one. This is keeping you from truly taking huge steps forward in your life because you constantly have to go back to clean up past things you have left. Use your creativity to begin the exciting new projects, but not at the expense of completing those you are already involved with. You will find a deep sense of inner peace when you are able to complete one stage of life or one project. Allow yourself time to enjoy that moment of peace that you have earned before you jump into the next project. Be willing to forgive yourself for not finalizing things in the past, and be willing to forgive others for their falling short of what they have attempted to do. Realize that there is a huge shift that is coming that will change the perception of everything in this world. To prepare yourself for it you must take advantage of all opportunities that arise to increase your spiritual strength. Prepare yourself in all ways, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Look upon the trying times with a sense of joy and optimism, knowing that change will bring forth a new day that will be filled with spiritual wonder.
Realize that the grace of God is always available to you. It is never withheld from anyone for any reason. However, it does not simply come to people randomly. Instead it requires your desire to go and seek the grace in your own life. Most people either do not want to approach God or they think that they are unworthy of receiving God’s grace. Instead realize that this state is actually the natural state of all souls. It is the state of being alone in the material realm that is the unnatural state for all souls. Therefore you should seek your natural position as a soul who is constantly bathing in the eternal love of God. This does not require a tremendous sacrifice, yet it does require that your intention is to seek the spiritual gifts instead of material ones. You should show appreciation to God for everything you have been blessed with, yet be willing to leave all of the material blessings aside in order to pursue the lasting joy of spiritual freedom. Be anxious to support others in their journey of the spirit and realize that you will never lack for anything you truly need when you are seeking God’s loving embrace.
Wisdom is never gained without trials and challenges. The purpose of this lifetime is to grow, and growth does not take place without tests and difficulty. If you want to achieve lasting happiness you must be willing to go through the process of embracing the shadow aspects of your being. Most people only want to see the beauty in everything: in the world, in people, and in themselves. This is a wonderful attitude when looking at others; however, if you only choose to acknowledge the beautiful aspects of your own character while ignoring the shadow aspects of your life, you will never grow. Growth means to look clearly at your weaknesses and strive to overcome them. Otherwise you will have to continue to take birth until you have taken the opportunity to learn the lessons you are still here to learn. Once you are able to accept the shadow parts of yourself and acknowledge the dark aspects of the world, then the beauty you experience will be so much more enchanting. Allow yourself to fully experience the so-called negative aspects of life so that your joy in experiencing true beauty will unlimited, as it will be coming from wisdom and not from innocent ignorance.