Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Personal Power, Centeredness

It is important at this time that you become completely centered in the present moment. The past no longer has any relevance to you. The future has the potential to change so quickly that planning for it and dwelling in thoughts of the future is futile. Instead you must concentrate on developing your own personal power that will enable you to act with strength and confidence in the present moment.

Develop this power by becoming completely centered in inner silence. You must quiet your mind and eliminate all outside distractions. This will enable you to connect with the supreme energy. Often this connection is through the assistance of your guardian angel. Develop this relationship and express your gratitude to all of the souls who are here from other realms to assist in your growth and the enlightenment of the entire world. As you develop your personal power you will also have a positive impact on the movement of the world into a higher dimension of love and compassion.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Inner Silence gives spriitual power

You have much more power than you give yourself credit for. Do not choose hopelessness and resignation in the face of the world. Instead recognize that you have complete power to create the world you choose. The way to develop this power is to first create an inner silence in your life. As long as you are constantly engaged in the material world your power will be limited by material concepts. The more you enter inner silence the greater will be your connection to the source of unlimited power.

Inner silence includes the act of prayer. Prayer should be an internal act of communion with your conception of God. It does not do any good to make an external show of prayer in order to impress others. This merely gives more power to your ego. Praying for  things you want or even praying for others is not an advanced form of prayer. The most appropriate prayer is one of gratitude. When you are sincerely grateful for everything you are blessed with in life, even if it isn’t what you think you want or need at this time you are deepening your loving relationship with God. Trust the judgment of the universe and gratefully accept that everything that occurs in your life will ultimately increase your spiritual strength. 

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gratitude, Focus, Union

Your focus is required in order to fully reach the level of awareness that you desire. The key is to consistently be centered in a state of constant gratitude. When you are grateful for everything you have been given, all the challenges that have taught you lessons, and all of the abundance that has been received by others, then you are becoming mature. Until you are even more grateful for the blessings others have received than those you have, you are not yet prepared to live in complete union with all other souls. Understand your true greatness. Recognize that you are forever linked with the greatest source of power imaginable. Realize your true potential by focusing consistently on your the concept of gratitude for all beings at all times.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Grace, Love, Purification. Language of light

There are two methods to achieve a constant state of love. One is to focus on your continual purification of thoughts and actions. If you become completely pure and are able to move beyond all of the attachments of the material body to experience your true nature as a spirit soul then you will be able to love all other beings on the platform of the soul. This process of complete purification is very difficult and lengthy for most people. Therefore, most people prefer to rely on the second method, which is receiving the grace of God. The reality is that the two methods should work together. If you rely only on God’s grace without even attempting to purify yourself, then you are actually a cheater and will not be able to remain in the light of love. If you try to purify yourself alone without the grace of God it is almost impossible. Therefore both aspects working together is the ideal method to obtain love. When you do you will be bathed in light that is far beyond what you can imagine and your ability to commune with all other living beings will be completely pure and fulfilling.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joy, Forgiveness, Self-expression, Abundance

You are searching for joy and a completely abundant life. What is preventing you from achieving those goals? You must first be able to forgive yourself and others. When you hold onto the past and condemn yourself or others for your difficulties in life then you will forever remain in that mindset. Once you forgive everything about the past and begin to live in the present by envisioning a new future then you can begin to experience true happiness in your life. You must free yourself to fully express yourself in all ways. Allow the energy of your being to explode in creative bursts without regard for how others may react. When you give full vent to our soul’s desire to express its abundant nature then you will feel the joy of living in a way that is consistent with your soul’s true nature, and you will have a wonderful impact on others.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Courage, Mindfulness, Harmony, Dissonance

You must have the courage to change. You are generally looking for harmony in your life. You seek to be in harmony with people as well as with the environment. This is laudable, yet it is not effective in this world. To be in complete harmony with the majority of people you must adopt materialistic habits and spend excess time focusing on the temporary things that they generally judge to be important. In trying to fit in with society you must be extremely vigilant, as it is very easy to become seduced by the allure of material life. Instead, you must be mindful of each and every action in your life. Understand that dissonance and chaos is often more effective an engine for change than is peace and prosperity. Look at every challenge as an opportunity to grow. Have the courage to change, but always through increasing your awareness and truly understanding what is important for you to contribute in this lifetime.

Mercy, Consideration, Clarity, Complex Stability

One of the key signs of spiritual maturity is the quality of mercy. Mercy is showing that you have consideration for the needs, desires, and suffering of others. Showing mercy displays an unselfishness that shows that you don’t need to control others in order to satisfy your own ego. When you are merciful, especially to those living entities that you perceive to be less powerful than you, you are demonstrating that you have a clarity of vision that goes beyond the outward circumstances of the physical body. Showing mercy toward the smallest, most helpless creature is a sign of the realization that every being has a soul and that at the soul level all living entities are equal. True mercy makes no distinction between the covering of souls but expresses its true love for each and every soul.

Fire, Loving Kindness, Great Spirit, Spirit

The motivation for everything in life should be the spirit. When you understand how intimately all being are connected and when you understand that the spirit links everyone to the ultimate source of all life, then life itself becomes meaningful. If there weren’t a sense of eternal relationships in life, then what would be the purpose? The purpose is to establish a relationship of loving kindness with each and every soul that we come into contact with. Even those we don’t connect with personally we can still send our love to them energetically. This connection can provide the motivation we need to see every action we take in life as having meaning and purpose.

Ministration, Nurturing, Inner Journey

You cannot be effective in trying to serve the needs of others unless you also nurture your own body and soul. Attending to your own spiritual and physical needs will allow you to effectively serve others over the long haul as opposed to burning yourself out by giving without replenishing yourself. That replenishment must often come through the process of an inner journey into the deepest recesses of your soul. Be willing to confront the darkest aspects of your being and be willing to remain in the darkness of not knowing. If you can remain balanced at this stage then you are able to go deeper then ever before and dwell in the aspect of the greatest potential. It is not until you get away from all of your identity-defining props and search out the deepest and often darkest aspects of who you really are that you gain the freedom to truly become in completely empowered individual you are destined to be.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hope, Open-mindedness, Potential

Recognize that you and every human being is very much like a seed. You have unlimited potential within your being. Although you appear to be tiny and impotent you have the potential to grow into a huge and mighty tree. However, being a seed that is warm and safe and dry is much safer than the seed who chooses to sprout and grow to its full potential. As soon as it breaks out of its seed form it faces all sorts of dangers. It is fear of facing these dangers that prevents you and most others from ever attempting to achieve full potential. The first step is to reflect on your life up to this time. Recognize what you have accomplished and look at the areas in which your achievements have fallen short of what you know you are meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Remain open-minded about what the possibilities are. Do not limit yourself by focusing on the past and what you perceive your potential to be based on what you have been like before. Instead recognize your full potential to achieve anything that you desire and that will be in keeping with the divine plan for your life. Be filled with hope knowing that your potential growth is unlimited and the possibility of enlightenment of the entire world is also possible. When you have this kind of hope for the future then you will be certain to live joyously in the present.