Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Adoration, Harmlessness, Unseen Fear

Most people seem to be constantly plagued by unseen fears. These manifest in many ways, but they prevent people from living a fully exciting and satisfying life. There is no amount of physical security that one can use to try to protect oneself from these fears, as they are all based on guilt and based on a bodily concept of life. The easiest way to overcome any fear is to replace you fear of other living entities with a feeling of adoration for them. When your goal in life is to adore God at all times and you have the understanding that each living being is actually a spirit soul that is part of God, then you can adore every living being at all times. If you do this then you will be living a life of harmlessness, in which you will strive to do no conscious harm to any other person or living being. Think about the shift that would create in your life. When you are sending out totally positive vibrations and consciously adore those you meet, will they try to harm you? The laws of karma are very clear that you will reap the rewards from the actions you sow. Therefore, if you are living in a way that supports the life of others and would not consider taking the life of any living being wantonly, then you will automatically be protected. When you adore God and trust in the mercy of the Creator then there is no need to ever fear anything. Your life will be positive, no matter what challenges you may face in order to encourage your growth, as fear will no longer hold you back from acting.


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