Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Healing, Appreciation, Purification

True healing can never be accomplished from the outside, nor can it be accomplished by any mechanistic means, whether drugs or surgery or antibiotics. All of these are merely ways to enable the individual to continue to function on the physical plane while continuing to engage in the same activities that caused the illness in the first place. Understand that all manifestations of disease are caused from the internal state of the individual and their choices in life. Some of these may have bee made in past lives that show up as part of the person’s karma in this life. These karmic aspects of life are actually a great gift from God to enable you to learn from past mistakes and go through the challenges that will help you to grow. You should try to appreciate any and all of these challenges. See them as gifts that are meant to assist in your purification. Then take full responsibility for your choices in life and their resultant reactions. Thus, when you are in pain or suffering from illness or disease, try to understand the root cause. Try t o see how your mental approach to life is responsible for manifesting these symptoms. Never look outside for some bug or virus that caused it, but rather look into your heart, soul, and mind. As you purify these then you will find that you will heal very quickly and you will remain healthy. The most important aspect of healthy living is to always appreciate the gifts that God gives you in life; especially the challenges that help you grow. When you realize that living a pure life and actually choosing to undergo various methods of purification then you will realize how much the body is a reflection of the mind and you will be able to live with energy, vitality, and abundant health on a regular basis.


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