Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Protection, Inner Peace, Duality

This is a day when people are celebrating the one who came to give peace to the world. Unfortunately, that has never happened. What Jesus taught was how to have peace by gaining inner peace through understanding of the proper relationship with God and therefore the proper relationship with all other living beings who are also children of God. He came to teach compassion and helping to protect those in society and the world who are helpless and less fortunate than you are. The original teachings were meant to uplift all of humanity by focusing on his example of showing love and mercy to everyone. Unfortunately, that message has seemingly been lost in the commercialism that has overtaken the world. There has always been duality in the world. However, instead of making it a war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, you must realize that both forces are actually wonderful tools used by God in order to help everyone grow. There is no battle between cosmic forces, as no one can ever challenge the power of God. However, the world is organized in a pattern of duality in order for individuals to be faced with the choices that define their values in life. When you choose to follow the light and move toward love and compassion then your choices are helping you advance on your spiritual path. When you choose to follow the negative side, then your path is impeded. However, at no time should you think it is a cosmic war. Even the overt expression of war in the world is all part of the process of planetary purification. The key is to not get upset by the duality you perceive, but rather to accept it as the way the world has been set up for your ultimate benefit. Then, instead of becoming ensnared in duality and thinking you need to constantly fight battles against the darkness, simply examine and purify your choices. When you choose to move toward the light then you will find inner peace within your life and you will realize that you have access to complete protection from any sort of potential evil.


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