Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Vibration, Harmlessness, Nurturing

The earth is under attack from the forces of greed throughout the world. The results of a completely rampant extraction of the earth’s abundance is causing a great deal of pain and suffering to many animal and plant species as well as to the earth planet herself. There is no doubt that human beings are now beginning to pay the price for this lack of concern for the welfare of the planet. The various natural disasters that have taken place are only the beginning of the reactions for the callousness with which mankind has treated the earth. Instead you must look at the way the Native American tribes treated the land. They understood that the Earth was the mother that nurtured them and provided them with everything they needed to live. They respected the right of animals to live and honored them when they gave their life to sustain the life of another. Where is that respect for life in today’s world? As people have removed themselves from the elemental connection with the earth itself it is no wonder that the energy level and sense of interconnectedness has diminished. Without the connection to the earth it is difficult to become attuned to the spiritual vibration that emanates from the earth and infuses everything with life. You must increase your level of vibration. Increase your energy by reconnecting with the earth. Feel your connection to all other living beings and resolve to live in a manner that creates as little pain and produces as little burden as possible on the resources of the Earth. If everyone begins to live in this way the nature of the entire world will change. However, it has to start with you making the personal commitment and changing your approach to life.


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