Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Change, Courage, Dreams

Change is the nature of the material world, and it is the most important thing to accept. When change is not seen as something that is bad or to be feared then you can view all change as positive. Change will always come in one of two ways. Negative change is that change that is forced upon someone who is fearful of ever making changes and always wants to avoid risk in their life. This is the change that is incredibly traumatic and which uproots lives in moments. These types of changes are being forced on people more and more frequently as the degree of fear is continually increasing in the world. Positive change is born out of dreams for positive growth in your life. When you dream huge dreams of sweeping proportion that are meant to improve your life and the lives of others, then positive change becomes possible. Without having plans and dreams how will anything ever change in a direction you would like? The best way to approach change is to become aware of your dreams, those during sleep as well as those when you are awake. Understand that these dreams are actually coming from your soul and are helping to guide you toward your spiritual path. When you begin to connect with them you will be able to understand the wonderful forces that make you passionate about certain aspects of life. Following these dreams takes a great deal of courage, often more courage than dealing with the immediate crisis of forced change. You must learn to have the courage to share your dreams and pursue them with the passion they deserve. Dreams are what will lead you to the wonderful changes you desire in life, but only if you have the courage to pursue them.


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