Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Forgiveness, Harmony

People are wondering why there is not a sense of harmony in their lives or in the world for that matter. When people desire peace and harmony they must understand that it is their own responsibility to create it. One of the most critical vehicles toward harmony is forgiveness. When you hold onto grudges and continue to blame others for things you have seen as injustices you will never be able to achieve harmony. Harmony means that everyone is peacefully acting toward a common purpose while singing in different voices that complement each other. In order to accomplish this there must first be an understanding of the spiritual interconnectedness of all living beings on the planet. When you understand this common nature then it becomes much easier to forgive others since they are no longer perceived as so different from you. The second vital aspect is for people to view life with a spiritual vision rather than a purely material one. Materialistic vision automatically encourages competitive and self-centered thinking. Spiritual thinking is defined by a sense of service to something higher and more profound than oneself. Therefore, in order for harmony and peace to ever be achieved a sense of common spiritual heritage and purpose must be accepted that transcends the narrow confines of established religious hierarchy. Begin in your life to create harmony by seeing everyone and everything as being connected with you in spirit. Therefore be always willing to forgive others while you join them in the sacred song of life that can truly create harmony among everyone.


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