Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Healing, Sympathetic Joy, Passion

Everyone is concerned with healing of the body. Instead the focus should be on healing of the maladies of the spirit. Understand that all physical maladies have their genesis in the realm of the spirit and emotions. Everything that happens to you has a cause from the past, perhaps many years or lifetimes past. Although these may show up in life as physical ailments there is always a root cause that has to do with the agony of the spirit at being associated with the physical world. The key to healing is therefore to discover the real cause of any illness. Instead of reaching for the drug to hide the symptoms instead delve deeply into the real meaning of the malady and what it is meant to teach you about your lifestyle. For most people the diseases are caused by living a life that is devoid of passion and that is terribly self-centered. Those who deal most effectively with all sorts of challenges are those who follow the passions of their soul and live a life that gives meaning to that passion for life. That passion is generally connected with the uplifting of other human beings. It is when you can enjoy the success of others as much or more than your own success that you will begin to become satisfied with your life and not continually search for meaning. This sympathetic joy is what enables you to remain constantly excited with life in spite of whatever challenges you may be facing. When you experience joy through the success of others you realize how fortunate you are and how many blessings you have received. Live your life with a passion for helping others and your healing will be complete.


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