Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Blessings, Appreciation, Meditation

February 28,2006

What is the best way to invest your time? The one thing that will provide the greatest rewards in every aspect of life is meditation. Meditation is what gives meaning to your life as it nourishes both your body and your soul. Never underestimate the power of meditation. There are many different types of meditation; however, the most essential aspect of any form is focus on breathing. Be aware of the importance of the breath as a connection with the universe. As you meditate become aware of the incredible blessings you have received in your life. Be grateful for them and express your joy at having been so blessed. You can view every single aspect of your life as a supreme blessing, no matter whether it was perceived as a positive or negative event at the time. When seen from a spiritual perspective every aspect of your life should be viewed as a crucial step in your spiritual evolution. As you express your appreciation for the mercy you have received you must then focus on sharing those blessings with others. You have been given certain gifts for a reason that goes beyond your own personal growth. Your growth only has meaning when it is connected to the goal of inspiring all others to move forward in their spiritual life. This is a worthy focus for meditation, always asking how you can more effectively impact the growth of others. When you meditate in this manner it will truly have the power to impact the future of the world.


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