Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Creative Power, Friendliness, Clarity

Never discount the importance of basic friendliness in creating relationships and in enhancing your ability to create something that will impact people. A smile and a welcoming comment can change someone’s life. Going further and actually establishing a relationship based on concern for the other individual’s needs can also have a profound influence on their life. Simply showing people how feasible it is to live a positive, consistent, always happy and friendly life is an example that people need in order to transform their life. In order to move way beyond simple friendliness you must have clarity on what your particular path is for influencing the world. Being always friendly is a starting point, but without clarity and constant meditation on how you can best use your particular gifts to improve the spiritual lives of others your creative power will remain limited. Once you have complete clarity regarding what you are meant to pursue and achieve in this lifetime then your ability to achieve it will be almost automatic. Never think that something is impossible or is beyond your ability to achieve. When you are completely clear about your purpose in life and your particular method of serving God then you align yourself with the unlimited creative power of God. There is nothing that God cannot create. Therefore the key to your ability is to simply align your own desires with the will of God for your life. When you do that then everything becomes not only possible but it becomes almost simple to achieve.


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