Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Miracles, Service, Polarity, Fear

Most people never recognize the potential for miracles in their life. This is because they are not grateful for the innumerable small miracles that make their very existence possible. Think of the amazing number of things that must come together perfectly simply to sustain the life of one individual. By failing to recognize as miracles those things that most individuals simply take for granted, they cut themselves off from experiencing the really significant miracles in life. Most people are plagued by unseen fears that limit their ability to even dream about, much less try to accomplish anything significant in their lives. They are completely engrossed in the polarities of life, constantly debating the black and white, the male and female, the right and wrong on every conceivable issue. While focusing on the fear that polarity automatically invokes they fail to see the unity of the source that is behind all of the duality of the material world. When you are able to tap into the spiritual source behind material nature then you are no longer influenced by polarity and the struggle and fear that it creates. Instead you understand clearly that your only responsibility is to be of service to the will of God by offering service to as many living beings as possible. When you are directly engaged in service in this way then you will automatically attract the most incredible miracles into your life. You existence will become a series of miracles when your goal is to become the bringer of miracles to the lives of others.


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