Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Nature, Love, Great Spirit, Universal Movement

Now is a time for extensive changes that will manifest in your life and throughout the world. Nature will become transformed in many ways and its impact on the way people live will be extreme. Most will be overcome with fear by these changes. However, you must see them as part of a greater pattern of evolution of consciousness. All of the changes taking place are simply meant to create a closer bond of love between the Creator and all living souls. The key is helping other souls to recognize their eternal nature and God’s loving nature that is forcing them to change their way of life. Most will be in a mode of lamentation for the material possessions and positions that they have lost. They must be educated to recognize this as a wonderful blessing that the Lord has given, as it has allowed them to step back from their materialistic frenzy and analyze what is truly important in life. When all material comforts are stripped away, then you can recognize the true importance of loving relationships and faith in God. Prepare yourself for this time by spending more and more time in nature. Learning to become comfortable in communion with nature is one of the most effective ways to begin to sever your material attachments. Learn to love nature and all of the living beings within it. Be prepared to embrace the changes coming in your life as a wonderful gift and a catalyst for your spiritual growth


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