Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Knowledge, Inner Silence, Personal Power, Integrity

How will you be able to develop your personal power in a way that will enable you to move beyond the mundane life into the realm of truly impacting the lives of others? Personal power begins with knowledge. One who lacks knowledge has limited ability to impact others, unless he or she is being used and manipulated by others for some selfish purpose. However, in order to personally impact people you must be able to share knowledge with them that will improve their lives. What is the source of that knowledge? There are many sources; however, realize that all sources of knowledge must be digested and filtered in a way that they are able to turn into wisdom. Gathering of superficial knowledge does not give you power, it will only serve to scatter your energies. That is why time spent in inner silence is essential. This time allows you to connect with your source of power and filter through all external stimuli in order to clarify the essence of knowledge about the most important aspects of the universe. When this process is carried out with integrity and you have aligned your will with the divine plan for the world, then you will be amazed at the power you will have. Things will begin to manifest as if by magic. Knowledge combined with integrity and a pure heart that is aligned with the Supreme creates the greatest power on the planet. Use this power for the benefit of others and see how quickly the world can be transformed.


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