Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Nature, Change, Universal movement

Expect many more changes to occur in your life. Nature has some amazing things in store that will create sudden changes in your life. Be prepared for these, and embrace the need for change in life. When you decide that it is time for changes in your life the universe gets behind that intention and will help create the circumstances to help propel that change. This is a wonderful blessing to enable you to continue to grow. Never shy away from change, nor should you ever be upset or disturbed by natural forces for change. Instead have the broad vision to understand that everything is being directed by the will of God. When you can see this in every aspect of life, then you can embrace anything that comes to you in life as a blessing that is meant for your ultimate growth. When you realize that there is a divine plan for your life you will make the choices necessary to assist in carrying out that plan rather than trying to resist change and clinging to your own views of what your life should be about. Embrace nature in your life. Live to spend time outdoors communing with the wonderful spirits of nature. Continue to seek out locations throughout the world where you can become more in touch with these spirits. When you embrace all aspects of nature, even the cruel and destructive aspects, then you will live in harmony with it and will become attuned to the spiritual world as well as the material world.


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