Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Truth, Compulsions, Spirit

You have to understand the truth and be able to search out the truth in the midst of all of the lies and distortions that are so prevalent in today’s world. You cannot trust any institutions to give you the truth about anything in life. Instead, they are intent on distorting the truth in order to create people who will be unthinking consumers of their profit-making schemes. If people understand the truth about life, their nature as a spirit soul, and their eternal connection with God they would immediately limit their consumption and would no longer support the current structure of corporate greed and power. Realize that your true nature is that of spirit. It is also true that you have a physical body that is inherently connected to the spirit. However, whereas the spirit is connected directly with the highest source of power and is inherently focused on increasing its relationship with God, the body is the source of all sorts of addictions and compulsions. The bodily sense are constantly attempting to take your focus away from the spirit and instead try to satisfy the unlimited desires of the body. Thus, the true struggle in life is which aspect of your being you will follow, the desires of the spirit or the dictates of the body. Most people choose the bodily desires, and these desires are constantly being encouraged by the mass media and advertisers of all kind. The only way to overcome these compulsions is to be very clear about the fact that you are an eternal spirit soul. When you focus only on the true desires of the spirit then you will be able to act from a higher purpose than your physical senses and will act in ways that benefit your soul’s growth as well as the well-being of all other souls.


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