Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vibration, Duality, Sympathetic Joy, Signs

You must continue to raise the level of energetic vibration in your life. All of life is about energy, and the higher your energy level the greater your creative ability. When you have enough energy you will realize that the entire universe is made only of energy and that you can develop the ability to manipulate energy to serve your needs. This is the nature of power, the ability to move energy to create and to make changes in the physical manifestation of the world. The more your energy grows, the more you have to be aware of how you use that power. The duality of the world is always existing, and the greater the power you have available the more that the negative forces will seek you out and attempt to use your energy for their purposes. Although you do not want to be affected by the dualities of life you must be aware of the existence of the negativity and be constantly alert to protect yourself from it. You must be constantly aware of the signs that God is giving to you in many forms. Remain alert to the most subtle indicators of what you must do, and trust your inner guidance to lead you. To enable you to more fully trust your connection with spirit you must spend time in regular meditation and contemplation to nurture that connection. When you are completely in synch with your spirit you will have tremendous energy and an unstoppable joy that is based not as much on the pleasure you are personally receiving but on the happiness that you are providing for others. Helping others to grow spiritually is the best way to increase your own level of energy.


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