Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Nature, Love, Self-Expression

You know that nature brings out the best in you. When you are in nature you feel connected with the source and can feel your oneness with all other living beings. Continue to take advantage of every opportunity to commune with nature. Learn to listen to nature and receive its teachings and its blessings. Share your love with nature on a regular basis. As you commune with nature and separate yourself from the normal patterns of the material world and the life you live in it you will realize that you are no longer limited by the roles that you have adopted. Now is the time to experiment with a variety of different roles. Feel free to express yourself in a number of ways you have never even thought about. Open yourself up to situations you have never faced and try to approach them from a completely spontaneous point of view without thinking about how you have been taught to react. Focus on the moment rather than trying to always worry about the past or the future. The more you express your inner nature and the more you become free to play around with adopting various roles you will realize that you are capable of becoming anything and anyone you wish to be. Your soul is unlimited by its material covering and you must learn to act in this unlimited way. It is a new era, an era in which the soul will be free to express its true nature. That true nature is love, and you must be anxious to express love in as many different ways as possible.


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