Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Manifestation, Happiness, Resolution, Disosnance

The happiness that you have experienced thus far in our life is absolutely nothing compared to the incredible joy that is possible to experience when you are completely absorbed in your true spiritual nature. Like all human beings you still have many issues in life that need to be resolved before you can reach that stage. The key in your life now is to allow the dissolution of all of the beliefs and standards by which you currently define yourself. Be willing to break through all facades and all identities that you have developed and clung to and be willing to see your own nature in a completely different light. This is what it takes to discover your true and pure essence as a spirit soul. Allow your entire world to change in every way. Cling to nothing of the past until you are comfortable simply being in the presence of nothing but spirit. From this place of knowing who you truly are you are free to manifest the life that your soul truly craves. You know that you have the power to manifest anything that you desire; however, this power has mercifully been kept form you until you have had the opportunity to resolve all of your human issues and are prepared to give up all material attachments in order to know your true self. Once you are at this stage then your ability to manifest will know no bounds and you can help shape the world that you know is meant to develop at this time. When you are creating this incredible world based completely on love then you will truly know what joy is.


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