Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sexuality, Renewal, Listening

You are entering a time of renewal in your life. It is both a physical as well as a spiritual renewal that is required. The key to renewal is listening closely to your body for your physical needs and your soul for your spiritual direction. During this time one aspect of your life that must be examined is your sexual energy. Now is the time to renew and refine your attitude toward your own sexual desires. It is the time to no longer resist and feel guilty about your sexual energy but rather to refine it. This is done by realizing what a wonderful creative force it is and how beautiful it is when it joins people in love of God. When sexuality is truly based on love and not selfish lust, then it can be a powerful tool for transformation and it can enable you to experience the highest form of love in the material world. By ignoring your connection to the material world and trying to keep love in the realm of the mythical and spiritual you are denying your own humanity and failing to learn one of the most important lessons that is meant to be experienced while on this planet. Allow yourself to experience this profound connection with the earth energy and with the spirit of another human being. Seek out positive ways to express your sexual energy, and don’t allow what you judge to be the negative aspect of your sexual energy to create barriers between you and other human beings. Keep a solid balance between the sexual and the spiritual energy and you will be able to maintain stability in all areas of your life.


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