Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Prosperity, Truth, Faith

You must look forward to the next stage of your life. It will be one of unlimited adventure and changes that you cannot possibly begin to envision. Do not try to control what comes into your life. Rather, ,simply be grateful for the wonderful gifts that will enable you to grow so rapidly. In order for you to thrive during this time you will need to focus on a few key ingredients. The first is to live your life only according to truth. Truth is what is to be focused upon, as you can no longer hide things from yourself or others. You must be brutally honest with yourself as well as with others. Next you must completely revise your view of prosperity. Do not measure prosperity by the amount of money or assets you possess in the material realm. Rather measure it by the gifts of all types that you are generously giving to others. The more you are engrossed in the act of giving of your knowledge, your spirit and your money, the greater will be your spiritual advancement. In order to continuously give with no concern for your own personal well-being requires complete faith in God and the abundance of the universe. When you realize that all prosperity is temporary anyway and that the only genuine treasure is the generosity of your soul then you will experience the joy that can only be gained by sharing with others. Let this desire to share be the focal point of your upcoming stage of life and begin to live it now by focusing on what you can give to others.


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