Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Peace, Tolerance, Higher Self

Everyone says that they want peace in the world, and yet it seems that there is never peace. People desire peace in their lives, yet most find it impossible to find. What is the key to true and lasting peace, both within the individual as well as in the world itself? The first and most obvious step toward peace is to learn tolerance. When people are willing to tolerate the differences within people and don’t feel the need to strike down anyone or anything that is different from themselves then you will begin to have the foundation for a materially-based peace. However, if it remains on this level any sense of peace will always remain temporary. No matter how much one is able to tolerate, if they focus on the material aspects of individuals they will still tend to focus on the differences and eventually tolerance will be lost. The key step is to see the spiritual higher self of each individual as well as yourself. When you see yourself as an eternal spirit soul and recognize that all other living beings are also eternal souls, now you are seeing the commonality among all beings rather than the differences. When you act from this platform not only is tolerance automatic, but you will actually develop love for your fellow spirit souls, no matter what their current material covering may be. Focus on the higher self at all times and you will become a bringer of peace to your own life and that of others.


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