Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Joy, Higher Self, harmonic Resonance

Never be satisfied with material happiness. Instead always seek out joy. Joy can never be gained through material means. It is only possible when you are acting from your higher self rather than your material body. Joy is possible when you are in complete harmony with the natural world and when your thoughts and desires are in resonance with the souls of all other living beings. In today’s world very few people are in touch at all with their higher selves. Most have very little consideration for people who are even the least bit different from themselves from a material perspective. Just imagine how different the world would be if each and every human being was able to relate to each other simply by seeing their true spiritual identity instead of just their material qualities. If this were the case then there would be a feeling of harmony and togetherness that would lead to a wonderful world. This is the only way to bring joy to the entire world. This can happen if those who are awake relate to each and every individual as a spirit soul and they teach others about their true, eternal nature.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Communication, Simplicity, Prayer

Realize that your true calling is to be of service to others. In order to fulfill this role at this crucial time of historical change you need to be able to communicate at the level of the heart. When you communicate with words it must be kept very simple and straightforward. However, your words must always be spoken to the heart of others, not the head. Intellect is not where transformation takes place, it only takes place from the heart. Therefore, when you communicate always try to see people as pure spirit souls who are perfect in their essential nature. This will help you avoid judgment and bias when speaking. Then speak knowing that each and every soul is yearning for the opportunity to reunite with the Creator in the perfect living relationship that every one seeks. If you help people understand their true nature in this way then you are truly fulfilling your role as a bringer of peace to the world. When you speak make very word a prayer, a prayer that is thankful for the opportunity to share this wonderful truth with others while bringing each person you touch closer to their eternal relationship with God.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Relationship, CHange, Acceptance

The world and your life is in a constant state of change. Embrace this change and never fight it. Change is how the process of growth takes place. Especially allow your relationships to change. Be constantly looking to make new relationships that can nurture you and inspire both of you to grow more rapidly. Take a look at your current relationships. Do you accept people as they are and strive to love them for every aspect of their being? Or do you constantly judge them and wish to make them over in the image of what you would prefer? Your approach to the relationship will have much more of an impact on its nature than will their inherent qualities. Never try to force someone to change, especially in more direct and intimate relationships. Instead, focus on the changes you are making in life and hope that your growth will provide the inspiration for them to want to grow as well. When you accept others unconditionally without trying to change them you will soon be amazed at what a profound influence your example can have on them, much greater than if you attempt to force them to change. Be an inspirational leader of change and your relationships will become miraculous and completely fulfilling.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Manifestation, Sympathetic Joy, Shadow Self

You are continuing to await the manifestation of abundance in your life. However, you must first recognize the incredibly abundant life you already live. You must appreciate what you have been blessed with before you are ready to receive even more. When you look at your glass as half-empty then you will always feel like you are lacking something. Always feel that you are completely filled up with the blessings given by God. However, at the same time always feel like you are completely empty in terms of your understanding of the universe and the spirit. Always be anxious to be filled with knowledge and with inspiration. At the same time be willing to look at the aspects of your personality that are still holding you back. The selfishness of the ego is the primary culprit. Constantly be aware of the ego and its desire to hoard and accumulate for its own personal pleasure. Instead you must take pleasure in giving of your abundance to others. Instead of striving for selfish happiness seek instead sympathetic joy, the ability to be completely fulfilled through the achievements and growth of others. When you have fully embraced this attitude then you will be able to manifest incredible abundance , since you will use it wisely to assist in the spiritual growth of others who are in greater need than you.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Creative Power, Inner Peace, the Source

Accept your creative power once and for all. You understand that all creative power comes from God, the source of all creation. When you connect with the source you are able to create whatever you focus on completely as the vision for your life’s mission. Never negate this creative ability by thinking yourself unworthy or too small. Focus instead on your connection with God and realize the absolutely unlimited power that is available in this connection. Surely you are capable of manifesting amazing and miraculous things on this planet if you only tap into a miniscule portion of the energy and intelligence that created the entire universe. Never think small. Instead, begin to give form and substance, in your mind at first and then on paper, for your dreams and goals. It is never too late in life to manifest amazing things. You will never find the inner peace you seek until you have manifested wonderful things that will help enlighten many people. Do not equate inner peace with material security and comfort. That can be taken away at any moment. Instead seek true inner peace by serving other living beings by helping them to also connect to their true essence as a part of the true source of all creation.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Protection, Open-mindedness, Healing

Everyone today is so worried about protecting themselves and their family. Security is the top priority in people’s lives. Yet they are only focused on protecting the physical body, that can only live for a tiny span regardless of how well it is taken care of. Instead the concern should be with protecting the soul in its eternal journey toward enlightenment. Realize that the healing that is necessary is not so much of the body, but rather a healing of the individual soul. In order to heal you must be open-minded about the nature of the universe and the purpose of the world in general. Never close your mind to information that is being given to you. Never close your mind behind the teachings of any one particular religion, as even the most advanced knowledge about God and the spirit available on this planet barely scratches the surface of what is available to know. Instead of trying to study, be open to receive direct communication from Spirit. Allow yourself to be guided moment by moment by your inner knowing. Trust your own ability to connect with the knowledge of the universe and act according to what you know to be true. It is this attitude that will make your healing take place very quickly and will ensure that your soul will continue to progress regardless of the condition of the body. Help others understand the urgency of focusing their energy on the needs of the soul rather then the mere protection of the body.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Purity, Forgiveness, Resolution, Manifestation

The world you are hoping to create is within reach. You are able to manifest that world at any time. However, first you must resolve some of the issues still remaining in your life. Manifestation is simple once you have truly achieved a level of purity that will enable you to become a part of the spiritual realm. However, this level of purity is usually covered by the baggage that everyone carries with them in the material world. The first step in uncovering your pure essence is to be proactive in forgiving. Forgive yourself for all of your past actions and your phobias that still keep you in bondage. Be anxious to forgive each and every person who you feel has harmed you in whatever way. Holding onto anger against other people is the greatest anchor that prevents souls from reaching greater heights of awareness. Forgiveness lightens that load and enables you to resolve all of the past issues in your life. Once the past is resolved then all that is required is a determination to live in the present moment in a manner in which your thoughts, actions, and words are pure. When you live at this level of purity then the world will truly be a miraculous and wonderful place.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Prayer, Self-Acceptance, Discernment, Completion

Recognize the current time as a time of completion of one aspect of your life and an opening of a new gateway to growth. You must accept and relish these opportunities and never be afraid of the challenges they present. Have confidence in your ability to handle the change and your worthiness of taking the next step. Never delay this process by holding onto old projects and failing to complete a stage that is a preparation for the next step. You must use sharp discernment in recognizing your next path to take. Always balance the two elements of your intelligence and your intuition. Never allow one to overpower the other. Trust your intuition. This can only be accomplished through prayer and meditation. Do not hesitate to freely express your desires in prayer. Make prayer not only an offering of thanksgiving but also a statement of what you would like to see happen in your life. It is wonderful to state that your goal is to do the will of God. However, your innate pursuit of what creates passion in life is a primary indicator of what God’s will for your life is. Therefore, do not negate these feelings or fail to recognize what is innately satisfying and energizing to you. Instead take this as a starting point and in your prayers and meditation ask God to clarify to you exactly how Divine will for your life intersects with your innate desires. Understand how this works and you will be able to very easily complete the current stage of life and move into the wondrous and wonderful next stage of your life.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love, Listening, Eternal Life, Dreamtime

You must learn what true love is. True love is that which your soul yearns for, the joining of two eternal souls in recognition of each other’s spiritual perfection. When you love on this level there is no cessation, no judgement and no lack of fulfillment. The love can simply continue to grow eternally. It is this type of love for which you hanker, not the shallow and temporary substitute for love that is promoted as the real thing by people on this planet. Do not settle for this shadow of love. Instead always listen to your own heart. Be willing to enter into your own darkness of dreams. Use meditation to connect with the source and listen to your heart as it leads you to true love. When you have reached the stage of desiring this level of love in your life then automatically arrangements will be made for you to experience it. Developing a pure desire for eternal love is the nature of your mission on this planet. No matter what else you are engaged in always remember that the true purpose of life is to experience and share this deepest expression of love. When you love on this level you will have the power to impact the lives of all living beings on the planet.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Divine Plan, Harmlessness, Renewal

Continue to see this time as a period of renewal for you. It is a time to spend more time than normal in meditation and study, focusing on increasing your knowledge but more importantly your energy. You must sharpen our senses and begin to focus entirely on your fulfillment of your divine plan. You have bounced around the edges of your true purpose on this earth, and the time is coming to truly dive into that work as your sole focus. You need this time to clarify and energize your vision, then be prepared for incredible things to come your way. Part of renewal is the process of emptying yourself and cleaning out all of your past beliefs, and attachments. When you are not holding onto what you had previously held as truths then you are much more open to receive an incredible abundance of gifts, both spiritual and material. Open yourself up to receiving the deepest and most profound wisdom from as many sources as possible. Part of your renewal process is to clean out and sharpen your filters so that you can easily distinguish between the information that is coming from this highest source with that originating form lower sources. Keep your mind and activities constantly tuned into the highest plane of consciousness and you will be amazed at the bounty that will result, for you and for others.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ministration, Inner Silence, Energy

You must become clear on how you are meant to utilize your energy. Realize that there is an unlimited amount of energy available to you. However, knowing this should not make you want to waste energy on projects or activities that do not move you in the direction of your divine purpose. The way to become clear about this purpose is to spend time in inner silence. Listen to your heart as it helps you to heal and also directs you on how you are able to best help heal others. Realize that the path of each and every awakened human being is to assist others with their own awakening. This is when magic and miracles will happen in your life, when you dedicate yourself to helping to create miraculous transformation in the lives of others. Focus your energy on ministering to the highest need and desire of all living beings, the need for self-realization. Make this your purpose in life and you will be provided with unlimited amounts of energy to share with others.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Relationship, Patience, Hope

Understand that you are meant to create relationships that will help all individuals grow rapidly toward their spiritual path. Approach each and every relationship, no matter how cursory it seems, with that aim. Realize that everyone is on their own path and you cannot force people to move at a particular speed. It takes tremendous patience in dealing with each and every person. However, your goal should be to be some sort of catalyst for the next step in life of each person with whom you connect. To do this you must be willing to speak your truth. Be willing to share your vision of hope for the future. Share your optimism about life so that others may also have hope that the spiritual awakening of the planet is happening rapidly. Through your many and varied relationships with others speak the joy of hope and renewal that will help to transform their lives and ultimately transform the world.