Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Beauty, Open-mindedness, Hologram

You are always seeking after beauty. This is a positive thing, and you must always appreciate beauty, whether it is in a museum or art gallery, in nature, or in another person. Do not limit your conception of beauty to the standards of society. Society tends to want to make you decide whether something is beautiful or ugly and there is constant judgment happening in the physical realm. Judgment is one of the greatest problems facing the world, and you must avoid it at all costs. Instead be open-minded in your conception of beauty. Look for beauty in places where no one else will see it. Look beyond the physical appearance of each living being and see the beauty of the soul that exists there. Appreciate the inherent beauty of nature, but also realize that there is beauty in the uglier sides of nature as well. When nature appears ugly it is during the transition times of life and death, the very acts of change that keep things changing and progressing. Realize that no matter how solid something seems in the physical realm, it is still made up of energy and vibrating awareness. Recognize this energetic nature of everything and realize that you can manipulate and shape your world so that it reflects your own personal concept of beauty. When you can see beauty in every moment and in all circumstances then you will have reached the stage where your mind and heart are actually creating your reality. What a wonderful way to live your life!


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