Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wisdom, Abundance, Resolution of Duality

What is the understanding that is required in order to achieve wisdom in the world? What prevents most people from becoming wise is always looking at the world in terms of duality. The consciousness of the world is always focused on the opposing forces, good and evil, darkness and light, male and female, yin & Yang, etc. When people focus on these dualities and take the side that one is positive and the other is negative then life is spent in judgment and in hate for the opposite. Even if you say you are a person who loves the good and hates evil, you are therefore engaged in hate. Hatefulness is always the opposite of love, and this is the only duality that really makes a difference. Instead look at the world as being a wonderful field created for the growth of the living being. Understand that duality is the method by which the individual makes the choices that accelerate their growth. Without choices there would be no learning and therefore no growth. When you see these dualities as valuable assistants in your growth you will see that beyond the divisive nature of duality is a unifying field that encompasses the consciousness of every living being. Therefore instead of making judgments based on dualities, see deeper into the spiritual essence that everyone shares that knows no duality. When you operate from this place of wisdom your love will be able to overcome any power that so-called evil may have. You can thus live a life that is full of abundance and happiness based upon true wisdom.


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