Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Music, Manifestation, Open-mindedness, Completion

You will not be able to manifest all that you know you are capable of unless a couple of changes take place in your life. First of all, realize that you must be open-minded in order to keep all possibilities for the world open. If you have a closed belief system that only allows you to see the world or even God in one particular way then you are limiting your capabilities. Realize that God has so many facets that it is impossible to grasp even a tiny percentage of these attributes. To limit the concept of God to the knowledge that is available in any one religion is not realistic. Instead, see the wonderful diversity of thought that exists and understand that there is so much more that is way beyond the human mind to comprehend. With an open mind toward the future you must first focus on completing any unfinished business in the material world. Get in the habit of finishing things rather than leaving them hanging as to rush to the next thing. Once you have completed the actions that are keeping you tethered to your current life then you will be free to begin to truly manifest your life based upon who you truly are. Recognize the power of music in this process of manifestation. Intention of the mind is what sets manifestation in motion, and it is sound vibration that actually converts this mental energy into physical manifestation. Learn to use your words and all other sound vibration as tools of manifestation of that which you want and what the world needs.


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