Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Surrender, Nature

You need to connect with the nurturing aspect of nature. It is difficult to truly surrender completely to God when you are still immersed in the materialistic culture that so easily consumes your time. It is essential that you remove yourself completely from the regular world and spend time allowing nature to be your teacher. Here you will learn to be considerate of the needs of each and every living entity, no matter how large or how small. Only when you have this sense of compassion for all living beings and an appreciation of how every creature and every living being contributes to the support of your lifestyle on the planet will you truly be able to give your life completely in the service of God. As long as you are primarily focused on your own personal, selfish desires you will not be able to surrender. The ego will always have another excuse for not surrendering, and there is always another material diversion available to distract you from your true mission. When you retreat into nature you are able to reconnect with your own soul and develop a greater appreciation for humanity’s dependence upon the earth. By ignoring this dependence the future of the human race has reached a perilous point. Instead of simply trying to continue to blindly live as others are you must begin to reconnect with nature and become comfortable depending upon God and nature to supply your needs rather than depending on your bank account and the grocery store. Once you free yourself completely from the dependence on the material concept of life can you completely and sincerely surrender to the will of God for your life.


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