Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Communication, Love

In order for the world to reform itself there needs to be a major increase in the female characteristics in place of the male characteristics that have led the world for so many years. One of the primary female characteristics is the ability to communicate love. The male energy has a very difficult time expressing its love. It tends to demand obedience through threat of force rather then inspire devotion due to the bond of love. This is why religions have developed the way they have. Instead of God being perceived as someone so beautiful, so merciful, and so abundantly giving of love, the portrayal has been one of a domineering and jealous father who demands that one follow his orders or risk severe punishment. Can this type of approach ever lead to true love? Don’t children who were raised by fathers who were complete authoritarians usually have a real barrier between them and their father and can seldom express true love? How can love possibly develop where there is a threat of force to make it happen? Thus, any religion that has spread through the force of arms and threats of punishment will always inherently have a difficult time creating the natural and intimate sense of love that a child almost inherently has for the loving mother. If we begin to understand God more like a loving, merciful, nurturing mother instead of an authoritarian, demanding father then our natural love for God would be much more spontaneous and much more joyful. By simply shifting the manner in which you view God your ability to reciprocate love will increase dramatically. This powerful feeling of intensely intimate loving relationship with God can change the consciousness of the world in a very short time.


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