Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hope, Harmlessness, Manifestation

January 1, 2005

Everyone begins a new year with great hope that it will be a better year than the previous one. The world as a whole needs to have this kind of hope, as it certainly doesn’t seem as if things are getting better if you read the newspapers and listen to the TV. Actually there is tremendous hope for the future. This hope is that people with a high level of consciousness will begin to manifest a world where love and compassion take precedence over fear and greed. The first step is to actually practice the concept of harmlessness within your own life. Think of all the ways that your lifestyle can cause suffering to other living entities of every type. Consider the cars you drive and the fuel it burns, the clothes you wear and the suffering that was needed to create them, or the food you eat and the tortured lives that were given to provide you with your choice of food. Now is a good time to look at all areas of your life with brutal honesty. Examine in what ways you can make changes so that your personal life will exact less of a toll on Mother Earth. As you purify your own life, then you can be a strong force helping to manifest a culture of love and compassion throughout the world. It must start with the individual with the courage to stand up for what is right and is willing to share that with others. As more and more people do that, the world that you say you want will finally begin to manifest. However, it will not manifest as long as you cling to your own habits of greed and selfishness. Your personal commitment to living a life of harmlessness is what will give the world hope for a wonderful future.


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