Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Fire, Happiness, Creativity

Most people in today’s world attempt to achieve happiness in life through security and a stable lifestyle. However, this strategy is seldom successful, for a stable existence is usually devoid of creativity, of excitement, and of worthwhile achievement. Those who truly experience life are those who are much more adventurous and creative in living a life that is fluid and flowing. Just compare the elements that make up the world to understand this. Those whose life is based upon elements like stone and earth will remain stable and solid, remaining in one place, and being always vulnerable to the changes that nature may bring to them. Instead think of the fluidity and creativity of the elements fire and water. They are able to move and change and adapt to a variety of circumstances. They are never the same and are always expressing a new and different mood at every moment. They have energy that propels things forward, and their creativity is the energy that makes things happen and accomplishes change. The two of them are perhaps the greatest creators of change in the natural world, along with the wind. However, disasters caused by wind are much less prevalent than those caused by water and by fire. These two elements are what create the change that enables growth in those who are open to growth in their lives. Even though these elements appear to cause suffering, usually the result is a change in the life of the individual that is actually a positive thing for their growth. Therefore, choose to live in a creative and flowing manner rather than a rigid and ultra-stable one and you will discover that your ultimate happiness will increase tremendously.


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